2017 06 29
Lecture of John Maciuika
5.30 p.m. 
NDG auditorija

Lecture of John Maciuika

Find out more >
2017 07 01
Optics & Structure. The Development of Kazys Varnelis’s Art, 1967-1977
NGA Auditorium

Optics & Structure. The Development of Kazys Varnelis's Art, 1967-1977

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Varnelio paskaita

A lecture of Kazys Varnelis (j.) will take place on the 1st of July at 3 p.m. at the Auditorium of NGA.


Exhibition curator and designer, Kazys Varnelis (Jr.), son of the artist Kazys Varnelis will situate Varnelis's art in the context of the art and architecture of its day.

Varnelis's work demonstrated a sustained theoretical engagement with critical problems that other artists and architects were engaged in at the time as well as a set of problems unique to his own work.

Entrance is free.

A lecture of a professor of art and architectural history John Maciuika 'Resonant Patterns: The Work of Kazys Varnelis in the Context of Bauhaus Modernism' will take place on the 29th of June at 5.30 p.m. at the Auditorium of the National Gallery of Art. Read more about the lecture here